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Winnitex has announced its new Real Indigo Piece Dye, which was developed over spring and summer 2022.
“We put together our state-in art dyeing technique and the most ECO awarded indigo dyestuff from Dystar to create the cleanest indigo piece dyed fabric! This is a remarkable development,” said Tracy Ng, Winnitex Sales Director.
The product includes state-of-the-art in pre-reduced Indigo Liquid and is the cleanest Indigo on the market. Although it is not denim, it can be used to achieve a vintage denim look in dyed pieces. Different denim depths and hues can be achieved through different washing methods, which Winnitex has demonstrated in its new collection. All have different weaves, textures, and weights, demonstrating the Indigo’s versatility across different woven products.
Ng has worked as Winnitex’s sales director since 1997, and she oversees some of the company’s largest apparel brand accounts, while also being responsible for company research and development.Her undergraduate degree is in textile chemistry from Hong Kong PolytechnicUniversity, and she also has an MBA from the University of Stirling inScotland, UK.
Winnitex, which was family-founded in 1964, is based out of Hong Kong. The company is a leading manufacturer of dyed woven fabrics, and also designs and produces custom seasonal fabric collections for its customers.